Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Are you His?

We have to know that we need God to save us, before we can be saved.

It is when we realize that we are not able to approach God without the covering of Jesus' blood that it all clicks. We need what He provided. Without Him, we are dead - with Him we live forever!

Without admitting that we fall short, we will remain unable to reach God.

It is His desire that we know who He is for us, and what we are without Him, and who we are with Him. We choose, He provides.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Wonderful God

He takes me as I am, and makes me what is His.

His work on the cross and our choice to believe and accept.

Join Him daily in prayer. Let us remember to praise Him during our good and bad moments and circumstances. 

By the way, have you realized yet that there is a voice calling to you? Have you heard it? Can you feel it?
What is it?
Your wonderful and mighty creator, calling to you and drawing you near, prompting you to answer. He is always right here for you, yes you!

My Lord. 
He came in to this world, just like you and me. 
He learned, grew and walked, as we all do.
He taught others, prayed deeply and felt pain and heartache, a man.
He was loved and followed - betrayed, hated, mocked, pursued and taunted, we can, at times, relate. 
He suffered greatly, hung on a tree, died and rose to glory, we look in awe.
Today, He is loved and followed, and He loves us, for we see it in what He "lived through", and His death was for us.

A Wonderful God

He takes me as I am, and makes me what is His.

Join Him daily in prayer. Let us remember to praise Him during our good and bad moments and circumstances. 

By the way, have you realized yet that there is a voice calling to you? Have you heard it? Can you feel it?
What is it?
Your wonderful and mighty creator, calling to you and drawing you near, prompting you to answer. He is always right here for you, yes you!

A Wonderful God

He takes me as I am, and makes me what is His.

Join Him daily in prayer. Let us remember to praise Him during our good and bad moments and circumstances. 

By the way, have you realized yet that there is a voice calling to you? Have you heard it? Can you feel it?
What is it?
Your wonderful and mighty creator, calling to you and drawing you near, prompting you to answer. He is always right here for you, yes you!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Prayer - thank You Father

Father, thank You for giving me Your finished work on the cross. Thank You for being with me through my life, even the little things like laundry are easier with Your help. Thank You for giving me a life that is more than ordinary, because of Your extraordinary gift. I lift those Lord up who do not yet know You, and ask for more light to shine on them, for more events to move them toward You, for softened hearts toward You almighty God. I pray for revival in the hearts of other believers. I pray that they too will realize that Your will is the best path. I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be deep and wide in the hearts of my brothers and sisters and their love for You will produce great and mighty fruit for the kingdom. All things for Your glory heavenly Father, I pray for wisdom, discernment and clarity as I move closer to You. I ask that You reveal all the things I need to change, work on and do. In the mighty blood of Jesus I pray. Amen.