Friday, July 16, 2010

MEisms - personal quotes

"I understand one thing very well... I don't understand anything without a translator... the best model out there and the best one to have is the Holy Spirit... It is so easy obtain (ask God); no purchase required by you; and God gives it away freely; for it was already purchased by His son ..."

"So many of you are only three from gold, and will give up, become discouraged, quit... Don't listen, those are from the enemy - and we are so used to hearing his voice, that we miss God's voice. God is to the three feet and through the three feet - Hear Him today, go after your dreams - you can do all things with Christ!"
"Success and greatness take time. We are in such a hurry today and expect things to happen quickly - our journeys include losses, failures and injuries - use them to get better; get over them and work toward wining your own game. Compare yourself to no one, up your own ante. Don't ever give up, everyone has a "three feet from gold story", make it a "three feet from gold and kept going" story... "
"God gives us children so we pray more. Grace given to us, can be displayed through grace with others."

"So many of you are only three from gold, and will give up, become discouraged, quit... Don't listen, those are from the enemy - and we are so used to hearing his voice, that we miss God's voice. God is to the three feet and through the three feet - Hear Him today, go after your dreams - you can do all things with Christ!"

"It's Friday night and the weekend is around the corner of minutes. My life thus far, has been an amazing journey, before You I was lost. I was alone. I was fearful. I existing minimally. And, you found me, right where You always knew You would. I am strong and courageous with You. And, I have an eternity with You; in a place with golden streets and where perfection has always live. PERFECT."

"‎God created you, uniquely, with a specific purpose in mind. With so much care and thought, how could He not love you? In the beginning, God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit our intercessor, guide and companion knew every move, decision and thought of you - good and bad, and devised a plan so we could spe...nd eternity with Him. Yes, He loves you!" ~MEism for WM

"We are not competition as brothers and sisters, only compliments to one another. Make it known that all the body parts work together perfectly."

"We are not competition as brothers and sisters, only compliments to one another. Make it known that all the body parts work together perfectly."

"Watching as the work of art is formed. Going through fire to secure the beauty of it all."

"I can only worry about my stance, and how I fight for God... my methods are through kindness and questions. And, I pray that it is seen that way,the enemy may try, but he is already defeated, but when I sense the approach, I beseech Him more fervently and often."

"The Lord has amazing plans for you - we can look into the eyes of our children and see the hope He has given us, especially on the days when we don't see it. He has given us a gift and there is so much He promises, and with that we get the unexpected and amazing moments in life. His gift to us is eternity - our gift to Him is to live like His gift means something."

"There is nothing I can ever do to earn my way to You my Lord, and it is because You gave me the greatest gift that I can be in Your presence. It is because I believed that You sent Your son... that he went to the cross, suffered, died, was buried and rose from the dead that I can seek Your favor, live with Your grace, and know Your mercies. Father, I can do nothing but live for You."

"I have seen people move from unbelief to praising God and all His glory on these pages. I love the miracles of our Lord. Thank You Father for the opportunity to witness (share) and witness (see)!"

"Listening to God's voice, rather than others is a learned skill, that I highly recommend. It takes getting to know who God is, and knowing that He has made you in His amazing, and wonderful image."

"I believe it is my job to give. And, give some more. And, it will be God who decides when the time to receive is. So, all I have to do is keep giving - of my time (when appropriate); of my treasure (where appropriate); of my talent (always). Just a thought."

"Father, my feelings say "under fire" BUT I hold to Your promises that it is "through fire" I am perfected. Thank You for the wonderful way of arranging your words to help me through every situation and any circumstance." MEism for WM

"What Jesus did, set me free. What God provides through His promises, gives me hope, joy and great expectations for my life. I have life with Him for eternity, it will end well. What is between is a journey to proclaim that the price has already been paid. Gratitude runs deep, and I pray Lord, that daily, moment by moment, my life exemplifies Your gift to me." MEism for WM

"I am learning the difference between responsibility and requirement... I believe I have a responsibility to keep growing and doing the things I can do for myself, while I depend on God to do the things I cannot accomplish on my own."

"He hears even the unspoken word - our thoughts, under the breath comments.... And, our daily conversations. He is the God of miracles, amazing love and tenderness."

"Friendship is having the ability to always speak truthfully and knowing that loyalty comes first before pride." MEism

"Yes, we have to pray, and we have to do too... I mean, our lives need to be played out, not waited out. We are designed for action and interaction." MEism

"I have learned more in the past twelve months about myself, then I did the four plus decades before... Loving where God is leading. Loving how God teaches. Loving that I can be this excited."

"When I am interacting this is something I am always aware of. I was originally taught the legalistic way to things, and condemnation, even as a Christian was deeply wounding. Trust took some time - but it was only through the loving "care" of Christ-like brothers and sisters. I am grateful for the journey, and aware that we are being watched - attraction is so important."

"It is when we can share the painful things in our life, that the beauty of who we are can truly shine." MEism

"Hearts are being moved. God has been so gracious, giving me friends that I can share my testimony with, pray with and He is faithful."

"I am ready to lose myself, to become more of who You desire me to be. Removing the band aide of a normal life to reveal a new vibrant self in the Lord."

"The Lord puts a lot on my heart these days. It is so much better than what I place on my own."

"I am listening Lord, and the pieces are transformed to Your masterpiece."

"I do profess to be a Christian, however, I know that I will never be perfect, yet I am perfected in God's eyes through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ."

"There is no hurt or injury that can penetrate the armor I wear. Not denial of circumstance, but denial of things unwanted AND unnecessary to live out life as God intends."

"I am not settling for complacency, I desire to realize the fullness of a life through Christ."

"In a choir of praise, whispers of hope and exultation of joy He seeks your face, so you can know you are wonderfully made. Find a mirror, through the eyes to your soul, He is there. And, He is pleased when you are fulfilled. This journey does not have to be done alone. He is calling to His child, YOU! The one he wonderfully made for His pleasure."

"Thank you God for giving me the lift I needed. RESTORATION truly is the word for today.

Having been leveled, I can see the devastation transforming to restoration."

"We can all have devastation in our lives, it is when we allow it to devastate us that the pain occurs. If you have had devastation, allow restoration to begin. Once we are leveled, we can only go one way, and that is UP.""

"In the middle of the storm, you cannot see the ground, you see what is storming around you. But if you close your eyes, and remember what the ground looks like, you will find hope in knowing that the ground you desire will not move. So, in the midst of this storm, I look toward the most solid ground I know - what is your ground?

"What we do with the time we have is our choice. How we are rewarded for this time is God's choice."

"You don't get committed through success. Success comes once you get committed." 1/5/2010

"The fight is to know everyone, so everyone can know Him. Shine your light where ever you go; make it so bright that it takes time for their eyes to adjust to the glory."

"A positive attitude can help the moment. A hope-filled heart and knowing God's promises can encourage a lifetime." 9/14/09

"Keep finding new friends, as your old ones may disappoint you. Then you don't have to notice." 11/9/09

"It is time to be tough and fight for the things that are worth it; and for those who cannot fight for themselves. What will you be remembered for? The one who wanted more or the one who did more?" 11/9/09

"If you have someone in your life who is trying something NEW, or trying to MASTER something they have been working on for while, encourage their fight; love them through it; be joyful in their challenges, as they ARE GROWING, whether you see it or not. If you cannot, maybe it's time to look deeply in the mirror and ask God why!" 11/12/09

Why is it that people want everything to be so darn easy? And, when life doesn't work like they want or a little work needs to be done, they complain? It's ok to have a challenge, or 2 or 20... just learn how to work while in them and through them. And as you go along, things seem less tough and you get better. ;-) 11/17/09

"Courage is chosen, and the Lord can reward those who choose it." gal 6:9

"Today, put your past, your bucket of ashes into the compost -
Today, the good you have learned will germinate; think of all the pain as fertilizer...
Today, the process that began the day you were born continues;
YOU are blooming into the most amazing creation of God.

Isa. 61:3... 'Beauty for Ashes"and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.'"

"When we are burdened and respond by going to God, he feels our pain, our sorrows - he feels our infirmities."

"We are strong when we come from a position of being lifted up, more than a position of never being low at all. When people see us come up through things, they can see God's work in us."

"Lord, help me to "cherish, even my enemies", that I can have a clear
heart in everything I do. That even when hurt, I can know when to let go
and learn to pray for those who have hurt me. And, even if I start with
cherishing the not harboring, that I can be grateful in that."

"Today is full of hope and joy. Be still, my friend - and hear His wonderful voice soothing all your fears, worries and pain - open your heart and fill it with His assurances and promises - in your mind's eye watch Him take your burdens and all your cares upon Himself. You see it because it has already been accomplished from the beginning & at the cross."

"Lord, let me not dwell on things of the past. But let the memory of the past help me to move faster toward the next opportunity."

"Lord, keep working on me, and shining brightly where I need to see."

"Decide that you are not going to live an ordinary life. When you position your life, you stand out. Stop trying to fit in your business. Whatever “it” is you have to decide to BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS and do it even if you are afraid, discouraged or it’s not going as you want it to."

"I do not have to fight. 2 Chronicles 20. I just need to position myself to see that God has gone AND goes before me. The enemy can not take hold. This is done. We have an awesome God."

"I believe that admitting the need for change is a start, but the real stuff starts when the commitment is a habit, and the habit becomes that change."

"Three years ago I said, "how do you guys remember all this stuff in the bible". Well, now I know... read it, live it, devour it!. Repetition, fire and growth."

"Today Lord, I choose to see all the blessings you have provided. I love your provision and grace. My friends, you are so special, not only in my eyes, but God's. He has your back - He's waiting for you to seek His guidance and have faith in His promises. Today will be a great day. CLAIM IT!"

"Simply said. You are exactly who God made you to be. You were created through His vision of You. Wonderfully made in His image. God has his hands on you, so don't be afraid, don't worry. Know that you are His."

"You are exactly who God made you to be. You were created through His vision of You. Wonderfully made in His image. God has his hands on you, so don't be afraid, don't worry. Know that you are His."

"When you are in the midst of a storm, close your eyes and remember what the clearing looks like. How you felt when the last storm was over, and the great that came out of it."

"The idea of emptying myself to allow God to enter is so appealing. Lord, why is this so hard to do, when all the examples of when it is done, is so amazing? Imagining a life where the reserves I tap into are of the Father God. And, no matter how low I believe it to be, my cup will always run over. "

" I don't want to jump in Lord, I want to climb out. Help me to be strong as I scrape and grapple to reach the top... His hand is there, reaching out - you are already safely to the top, just BELIEVE, grab on and hold tight. God's gotcha covered, all ways."

"We pray harder for those to change, and embrace the changes we have had, and praise God for all He has done to provide the strength to overcome our unwillingness so we can be the one who will. "

"We all have challenges. We all have stuff happen. We can change our "feelings" instantly - make a habit of feeling the pain, then living for the joy. Today, I choose JOY! How about you?"

"Honesty is the kindest thing you can offer anyone and everyone, especially yourself. When we do what we say we will do, we honor God, our family and those associated with us, including ourselves."

"If I am focused inward, meaning, feeling sorry for myself, feeling depressed, lonely, confused - then doesn't it make sense to focus on others, where I can give instead of need. And in the process, I receive all that I need."

"A tradegy of the heart, is when you don't know your heart is broken because it is deceived by the world; the heart is instantly mended when the world is let go, and it is wrapped in the warmth and healing hands of the savior."

"Beauty is the tender voices that encourage, the compassionate eyes that comfort, and the hugs that are given tenderly, yet strong enough to feel safe."

"The moving parts of my life keep changing, but the operator of the machine stays the same. "

"I love life. Life in general, absolutely.... God in my life, excited! Joy in following my life's passions, encouraged! Learning because of all the people God puts in front of me, along side of me and those who will follow, grateful!"

"STEADY PURSUIT of your dreams will honor your family. Integrity with yourself is the key. What are you focusing on today that will honor your dreams? I BELIEVE IN YOU!. You can do great things."

"When I put my faith in people, I can be disappointed, when I put my faith in God, I cannot be disappointed - because people are part of the process, and God is in control, only the best can come out of things."

"Often times people react exactly the way you play it out in your head... so, keep things positive, expect the best outcome and proceed with enthusiasm."

"Your journey to daily gratitude, begins with your decision to find something good in every situation."

"I just have to look down into that rain puddle, see the sun and bask in it - or jump in it with child-like enthusiasm. Whether rain or shine, I bask in the possibilities of my world as sun-filled!"

"Worrying won't get it resolved, focusing on the solution will get you closer."

"God's miracles in a life. Brought that girl of the world to a woman without God, to one who can't imagine life without Him."

"He knows me by name. My thoughts, my dreams, my adventures, he knew even before the earth was formed."

"I can never do enough, or give enough or be good enough to reach God. But if I know God, I do great things, give passionately and lives are touched because I know Him."

"I remember the words flowing like great wine into my glass. My glass is never empty, it is never full, it is always ready to be filled, and overflowed by Him."

"Remove the firewall that surrounds your heart and let God embed all your files and records."

"We are not competition as brothers and sisters, only compliments to one another. Make it known that all the body parts work together perfectly."

"We are not competition as brothers and sisters, only compliments to one another. Make it known that all the body parts work together perfectly."

"Watching as the work of art is formed. Going through fire to secure the beauty of it all."

"I can only worry about my stance, and how I fight for God... my methods are through kindness and questions. And, I pray that it is seen that way,the enemy may try, but he is already defeated, but when I sense the approach, I beseech Him more fervently and often."

"I know God is seeking you. You are loved and He created you for His purposes - He wants to reveal all this to you." for WM

"If you have lost anyone, you may find solace. If you have lost yourself, know that God knows right where you are and He is waiting for you." GTD

"As the week starts, I must remember where to start myself. Time in silence, away from the blow dryer, radio and computer - that is where I can hear God. He is waiting - seek Him. Listen, He is calling." WM

"“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”~2 Corinthians 9:6 (NIV)
Brothers and sisters, it is our job to encourage one another (sowing), help one another (sowing), love one another (sowing), be kind to one another (sowing), edify one another (sowing)... and what will bloom is a friendship that is immeasurable, and wonderfully nurtured."

"Thankfully I am "acceptable" to God, and I do know that transformation of me is His desire. And mine too, cause it just gets better and better when I stay connected to His desires, will."

"Giving is a heart thing - it should not be a chore, obligation or with anxiety. Gracefully giving to others through love. Giving to God with gratitude for all He is to me, and all He gave so I can live."

"Love is having the ability to put others first, while paying attention to what God is telling me. It is a daily (moment by moment) choice to do what is right, sacrificial and it's edification and effort especially when you don't want to give it. Love is always making the hard decisions, not always doing what I feel good about, but know is good for me and others. Loving myself in a manner that allows me to do for others, and stay on par with God's alignment for my life.
How did I do?"

"I love when things are pulled together. God's surprises are the best."

" Gratitude, praying for the honing in for today's GTD. Lord, I am ready to write Your message."
"Let that go... let God give you the words you need, and encourage those who He leads you to. You are not required to correspond with everyone all the time. He is faithful, and His timing for all his words are perfect."
" My child, I heard your pleas today for favor, and you may or may not realize it, but I have answered them. Be patient and I will show you the answer, trust and your desires are on my heart also. My daughters and sons, I am hear, I promise and continue to be your strength and courage as you wait. ~ your heavenly Father, who loves you so much." for WM

"My God is an awesome God, He does what He promises 100% of the time, whether I know it or not, now. And, He is so good at reminding me at the appropriate times.

Thank You Jesus for my life." GTD

"Truth.... God's word comes in between the pages of The Bible...
if it cannot be validated here, it is not truth. If you are seeking the truth, or prophetic words of wisdom, let God, not gimmicks, astrology, online fortune tellers cloud your way. Christians, the word is truth, all those other things are the games of the enemy, remove them from you life. Be careful what you share, as others are watching."

"Let me fight for you; know that I go before you in all cases, all circumstances - call to me. Rest in the knowledge that I am in control, I am here, and I am God." for WM

"Lord I am placing all my concerns and responsibilities at your feet today, take them and help me make sense of all this. Father, You control, I abide." for WM
"Jehovah Tsidkenu -
"In those days Judah will be saved
and Jerusalem will live in safety.
This is the name by which it [a] will be called:
The LORD Our Righteousness.' Jeremiah 33:16
I have full access to God. I get to sit at the KING's table."
July 18, 2010 (after visiting Gateway Church)

"We have the almighty God on our side, we must not fear man. As, they are just like us, in need of an almighty God."

"Have you ever dreamed of an Olympic Gold metal? I have, and it is one of my pain of regret areas. But there is hope, because the Gold God has for us is greater than any opportunity to be on the Wheaties box."

"The more we confess who we are with God - the more our thoughts change toward God. The more thoughts of God, the more passionate we speak of God's glory - and His perfection will shine through."

"The only way to change our gratitude is to change our habits and disciplines. If you are not grateful, no matter what, that can change... Seek Him, get to KNOW Him, and He will reveal the most amazing gifts of all, that He already gave you - He's just waiting for you to believe." for GTD

"Rise and shine my friends, there is a great day waiting for you. Believe that He will deliver the sun, as He already delivered His son. He has already shown that He loves you amazingly. Go and experience the world, share your faith, and know that an Almighty God is with you wherever you go - today, tomorrow and eternity if you choose to receive Him." for WM

"My child, I have know you since before the heaven and earth were formed; I knew you as you fell down and scraped your knee; I know you now even as you fall and struggle to get up; I am Your Father, and my hands are strong, my counsel perfect and my ears ready and waiting to hear the desires of your heart. I am mighty to save, and mighty to strengthen." for WM

"Prayer: We come to you Lord in our current states. Some know who You are, some have accepted Your gift, some do not know You or why we need You so much. We are listening Lord – come to us where we are so we can hear Your voice. Remind us that only You can take these burdens from us, and shelter us from these storms, warm us when it is cold and protect us from the enemy. We know You are here Lord, and protect what has been Wonderfully Made. Thank You for leading us to Your promises." for WM

"Dear God, thank You for this beautiful day. I know that without You, my day will proceed, but with YOU, my eternity will proceed beautifully. Thank You for all your provisions, my family and friends, and giving me the gift of joy and hope. And, thank you for making me in Your image - so absolutely Wonderfully Made." for WM

"My daughters, my sons, YOU are in my presence for a reason. Make it known that YOU are Mine. Shine throughout the world and win hearts with your love, compassion and extended grace. And, I will do the rest. I am here, and it is up to me." for WM

"Morning moves to afternoon, and afternoon moves to evening, and evening moves to night - but it is NEVER dark when you have the Lord shining His light upon you. Know that you have a purpose, and God will never leave us standing alone, or in the dark. You are Wonderfully Made and He loves you completely, unconditionally and sacrificially." for WM

"Beauty is a physical manifestation of one's inner kindness, love, tenderness, faith, beliefs, and how they believe themselves to be. BELIEVE that you are wonderfully made by the greatest power and He formed you uniquely through kindness, love and tenderness." for WM

"I have never quit at pushing through toward my dream - and yesterday I rejected someone's statement that was questioning my desires... STOP - don't let others deter you from the desires God gives you. They don't see beyond their little world. They are not in your heart, they can't possibly know what God has designed for you." for GTD

"There are people who I pray for so they will truly know God, Jesus' purpose and how they can be secure in eternity. There is only one way, only one person can go to God for your purposes, no other human has the power to answer your prayers; we do not call on the angels, God calls on them to help us. Power is clearly identified as God, Salvation is clearly accomplished already through Jesus. Do you know Jesus? Do you seek to know God?"

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